Saturday 25 November 2017

Networking Application Qns


Ans :

(i)                 Star Topology can be used to network the computer of all the wings.
(ii)               The Server should be installed in Wing S, as Wing S has maximum number of computers and installing the server in this wing will help to reduce the network Traffic.
(iii)             Hub / Switch will be required in all the wings.
      (iv)       The economic way to provide internet accessibility to all the wings is to use the proxy                        server at wing S and connect to the internet through a dial-up network


Ans :

(i)  Head Office and Tech. Office   - LAN
            Head Office and Coimbatore Office – WAN
(ii)               Switch/Hub
(iii)             Optical Fibre


For local offices as shown in figure

Technology for connecting regional offices  - Satellite


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