Friday 17 November 2017

Revision for Revision Test - 1

Review of C++

1) Identification of tokens,definitions,differences (all with examples)
Tokens are keywords,identifiers and punctuators
Definitions - typecasting,implicit conversion,function prototype,preprocessor,typedef,fall through
Differences - call by value and call by reference, formal and actual argument, static and dynamic binding,built in and user defined functions, derived and user defined data types.

2) Identification of header files
Functions related to

3) Identification of the error and rewriting the corrected code
correct the code and underline, you should find atleast 4 errors

4) Predicting the output
Numeric array - changes made in the array elements are reflected in the main() function.
character array - be mindful of the character change in the function.
call by value and reference - in call by value, changes in the parameters dont get reflected in main() but in call by reference , they get reflected

5) Random() function qns - Keep eliminating options until no more to eliminate

1) Output qns
character pointer points to the location where the string is stored. pointer++ moves forward the location by 1 byte.
2) Theory related to pointers

Data Structures
1) 1-D array
Traversal, reversing, consecutive elements,etc
2) 2-D array
Traversal, diagonals, patterns, sum etc
3) Searching and sorting
binary search wrt numeric values and strings
sorting - selection,bubble and insertion wrt structure and strings apart from numeric arrays.
4) Address calculation
1-D address calculation
row major, column major
5) Stacks and Queues
array queue, array stack, linked queue, linked stack, circular queue.

1)Database concepts - field, column, row, domain,cardinality,degree,primary key, alternate key,
candidate key,relational algebra(cartesian product, union, set union, set difference, set intersection)

2)SQL - features of SQL,DDL and DML commands
DDL commands
Create table(with constraints)
Alter table-(adding a column, modifying a column)
Drop table

DML commands
All select commands with where clause
Joins(using 2 tables)
Insert, Delete, Update

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